How to Stop comment notification in WordPress 2021

Hello friends, in this blog today, we will talk about how you can stop email notifications on your WordPress sites.

Friends, whenever we create a WordPress website and a user comments on our website, in addition to a notification on a WordPress dashboard, an email receipt is received on our WordPress admin email id. So this is a good option, but sometimes we get very upset with this type of email. Then we think about whether we should change our admin email ID or should we keep a different email ID for this site But changing the email ID is not the solution Even if we change the email ID, the email notification will come on the new email ID.

So what to do, how to stop comments notification of WordPress site?

So in this blog, we will learn how we can stop email notifications without changing the email ID


By default, WordPress sends you an e-mail message whenever either of the following events occurs:

  • Someone posts a comment.
  • A comment awaits moderation.

These notifications can be helpful, but if your WordPress site receives a lot of comments, they can also be annoying and fill up your inbox.

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Hello friends, in this blog today, we will talk about how you can stop email notifications in your WordPress sites.

Friends, whenever we create a WordPress website and a user comments on our website, in addition to a notification on a WordPress dashboard, an email receipt is received on our WordPress admin email id. So this is a good option, but sometimes we get very upset with this type of email. Then we think whether we should change our admin email ID or should we keep a different email ID for this site But changing the email ID is not the solution Even if we change the email ID, the email notification will come on the new email ID.

Hello friends, in this blog today, we will talk about how you can stop email notifications in your WordPress sites.

Friends, whenever we create a WordPress website and a user comments on our website, in addition to a notification on a WordPress dashboard, an email receipt is received on our WordPress admin email id. So this is a good option, but sometimes we get very upset with this type of email. Then we think whether we should change our admin email ID or should we keep a different email ID for this site But changing the email ID is not the solution Even if we change the email ID, the email notification will come on the new email ID.

Hello friends, in this blog today, we will talk about how you can stop email notifications in your WordPress sites.

Friends, whenever we create a WordPress website and a user comments on our website, in addition to a notification on a WordPress dashboard, an email receipt is received on our WordPress admin email id. So this is a good option, but sometimes we get very upset with this type of email. Then we think whether we should change our admin email ID or should we keep a different email ID for this site But changing the email ID is not the solution Even if we change the email ID, the email notification will come on the new email ID.




To change the comment notification settings in WordPress, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to WordPress as the administrator.
  2. In the left pane of the dashboard, clickΒ Settings, and then clickΒ Discussion.

  1. In theΒ E-mail me wheneverΒ section:
    • To receive an e-mail message every time someone posts a comment, select theΒ Anyone posts a comment checkbox. To disable this feature, clear the checkbox.
    • To receive an e-mail message every time a comment awaits moderation, select theΒ A comment is held for moderation checkbox. To disable this feature, clear the checkbox.
  2. Click Save Changes

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